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Intuitive Energetic Healer for Holistic Well-being
Senior Status with the British Register of Complementary Practitioners (Healer - Counsellor Division)
Energetic Advisor to the Institute for Complementary & Natural Medicine
Usui Reiki Master
Animal Whisperer
Many people are conditioned to view the physical mind and body with its five sensory system as the only life force in existence. They feel certain life threatening diseases, illnesses, disabilities and injuries are irreversible, even irreparable and that one simply has to live with the diagnosis. This is not the body’s point of view, nor indeed is it mine.
I became aware, from around primary school age, of my psychic healing nature and the ability to 'see', what I interpreted at that young age was a shimmering, moving ‘ghost type body’ with various bright and dark colours that surrounded and interpenetrated the entire physical body. Some parts of this ‘ghost type body’ had black holes that also appeared in the physical body and I found that if I focussed on these black holes they would disappear over time. It soon became very clear to me, by innocently chatting to my primary school peers/friends about what I was 'seeing', that they were not on my wavelength and not long after that I discovered neither were my parents or brother.
As I matured into my adolescent phase, I gained further insight, knowledge and understanding of this expansive non-physical infrastructure, enabling me to physically 'make sense' of this vital life force intelligence.
It was also around that time that I asked myself the question ‘how is it that I’m able to 'see' this non-physical disclosure that’s interacting with the physical human form’. The answer came from within myself (a higher form of consciousness) that I was linking into my extrasensory sense of sight, the inner mind’s eye also known as the third eye that 'sees' all non-physical dimensions that elude the physical sense of sight.
The vast majority of humankind, through lack of knowledge and understanding, have quite literally lost this sense of sight, thereby dismissing any witnessed form of non-physical disclosure as a figment of their imagination. This loss of sight has meant that the true nature of human creation is misunderstood and misdiagnosed in all aspects of its creation producing, in my opinion, a human tragedy.
It is second nature for me to link into my extrasensory healing sense of sight, the mind’s eye also known as the third eye to 'see' a greater non-physical life force infrastructure that is the bedrock for the well-being of the physical human form. This non-physical infrastructure is, by nature, a resonating, self-supporting and self-healing life force energetic field - it's about an arm's length in circumference and often referred to as the Aura. Concealed from the physical sense of sight, the vast majority of humankind are therefore totally unaware of this greater life force infrastructure and the vital role it plays for the wellbeing of humankind.
In a nut shell, my energetic healing treats the non-physical energetic infrastructure. It is the blueprint foundation that holds the human cellular memory that defines the unique physical, mental, emotional and spiritual makeup of the individual being; it also acts as the prime 'caretaker' for the self-healing and well-being of the physical aspect of the human form.
The frenetic lifestyle that most of humanity have adopted as the 'norm', is creating an overwhelming amount of pressure on the non-physical energetic infrastructure to sustain and maintain a natural overall state of balance. If the non-physical blueprint infrastructure becomes energetically imbalanced in any degree, it compromises the working intelligence of the human blueprint. This will influence how the physical mind and body functions and heals which in turn can manifest as bodily illnesses and disabilities. Using my healing gifts/skills, I can facilitate the healing process that naturally restores and rebalances the life force blueprint infrastructure, thereby assisting the mind and body back to its intrinsic ability to self-heal. It is here where I focus and direct my unique healing sight, gifts/skills to access the key for optimum well-being as physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances stem from this source.
Incorporated into these treatments are my intuitive metaphysical counselling skills that uncover the mind-set attachment to the nature of the illnesses and disabilities.
My energetic healing gifts/skills are also used to scan and treat people through a number of ways: Telephone, using the person's vibrational voice frequency that links me into their personal energetic blueprint; Photograph(s), I’m able to scan and bring a healing treatment to the person/animal; Remote viewing, bringing a person/animal to mind also enables me to scan and heal.
By understanding the true energetic nature of humankind, potentially life threatening diseases, illnesses, disabilities and injuries can be explained and in most cases be treated or improved.
We are in essence bio-energetic beings and need to be understood, diagnosed and treated from an energetic standpoint.
For further information on Energetic Healing, refer to the Treatment page.
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