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The true nature of the physical human being.
Humankind are by nature a physical energetic expression of life sustained, maintained and nurtured through a greater life force energy. A chicken's egg is a good example to use, as it represents how the non-physical and physical infrastructure interact with each other; the clear (the white) symbolises the non energetic field and the yoke, the physical human form. We are in essence so much more than just flesh and bone.
What causes illnesses/disabilities to occur?
It is crucial that a natural, resonating energetic state of balance is maintained within the cellular memory blueprint energetic field.  Energetic imbalances, disturbances, stagnant blockages of any degree within this non-physical intelligence, impedes the natural flow of life force energy compromising the working intelligence of the cellular memory blueprint. This in turn influences how the physical mind and body functions and heals which can directly manifest as bodily illnesses/disabilities.
Illnesses/disabilities, of any nature, is our body’s mechanism of telling us that our personal life force self-supporting and self-healing blueprint energetic field is not flowing harmoniously, whether it’s in the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual realms.
What happens during a healing session?
It is second nature for me to link into and make use of my extrasensory healing sense of sight, also known as the mind’s eye or third eye. In this way, I can 'see' (much like thermal imaging) the non-physical blueprint energetic field that eludes the physical sense of sight.
This "second sight" serves as a vital viewing tool, together with the healing frequency of crystals, to scan your physical body (fully clothed) and surrounding non-physical energetic field for energetic disturbances and stagnant blockages. Using my added gifts/skills, I am able to pinpoint the exact location(s) and cause(s) of the energetic disturbances, imbalances and stagnant blockages and remove them during a treatment or over a period of time, on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.
Once the resonating energetic state of balance has been restored to the life force self-supporting and self-healing blueprint energetic field, a healing chain reaction naturally ensues, causing the human blueprint to regain its optimum working intelligence; this in turn results in a healthy mind and body.
By understanding the true energetic nature of humankind, potentially life threatening diseases, illnesses, disabilities and injuries can be explained, and in most cases be treated or improved on.
What to expect from a session?
During the treatment stage patients have many different responses to energetic healing. Some patients feel nothing at all. Others describe sensations of moving energy, deep relaxation, feelings of being supported and nurtured or visions of images and colour. An emotional release such as tears can also be experienced.  After a treatment some patients may immediately feel an improvement, while for others the integration of the energy change may take several days.  Following a treatment, it is advisable to drink plenty of water for several days afterwards. This helps to flush away any toxins that have been released, otherwise headaches, flu like symptoms and tiredness can be experienced.
How many treatments will I need?
This can vary depending on the severity and the nature of the illnesses/disabilities that are present between your physical body and the non-physical energetic field.  Some patients have experienced complete healing of their ailment(s) within 2-3 sessions, others have experienced improvements with each treatment but have taken longer to reach their point of complete healing.
Energy healing can be likened to peeling back the layers of an onion; over a period of time we release, heal and clear more issues and learn how to operate from the core of our being in a new and healthy way.
Time is allocated within each healing session to share my observations with you and help you discover:
  • the underlying cause(s) of disease, illnesses, disabilities and injuries
Listed are just some of the many areas that can benefit from energetic healing via Telephone:
anxiety/stress, gynaecological, frozen shoulder, strokes, irritable bowel syndrome, digestion, unexplained head/body pain, migraines, miscarriages, insomnia, sinusitis, depression, life-threatening diseases, epilepsy, dyslexia, major skeletal pain, infertility etc.
Regular sessions are highly recommended as small energy blockages, disturbances and imbalances may still exist and in leaving them untreated, they will again gradually build up over time into a more serious condition.
Established in 1978
The Natural Way To Heal  
Copyright © Jenny Rose 2024
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